+90-212-706-11-11    |    Trump Towers #2606 Mecidiyekoy - Istanbul

In-Person Consultation

Legal advice and consultation through in-person meetings.

Case Analysis

Case analysis and memoranda for civil and criminal cases.

Contract Drafting

Drafting and reviewing contracts, and handling breach of contract cases.


Criminal Investigations

Comprehensive criminal law support for those who are under a criminal investigation or victim of a crime. 

Criminal Cases

Representation of plaintiffs and defense of criminal defendants in various types of criminal cases.

ECHR Applications

Preparing, filing, and handling applications to the European Court of Human Rights.


Domain Name Arbitration

International domain name arbitration cases, representation complainants and respondents in the UDRP proceedings.

Internet Scams & Extortions

Civil and criminal legal support for internet scam/fraud and extortion victims.

Internet Content Removal

Internet content removal services for defamatory or privacy-infringing and removal of explicit contents from the Internet.


Property Law Matters

Real estate cases and lawsuits related to property law and real estate scams and frauds.

Title Deed Inspection

Title deed inspection and detailed appraisal for prospective real estate buyers.


Residence & Work Permit

Obtaining and extension of residence permit and work permits.

Citizenship Application

Turkish Citizenship applications for foreign investors and residence permit holders.


Divorce Cases

Contested and uncontested divorce cases, international divorce matters, child abduction cases.

Family Law Matters

Prenuptial agreements, alimony, child support, child custody, marital properties.

Contact us to learn more about our legal services and practices.


Legal Practice Areas

View All Practices
company law

Company Law

Atamer Law firm provides legal support for company formation under the Turkish Law. Formation of LLC (LTD) and corporations (A.S.),...
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cryptocurrency law

Cryptocurrency Law

Atamer Law Firm has vast experience in cryptocurrency law and related regulations. Some of major legal issues that we provide...
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financial law

Financial Law

Atamer Law Firm has expertise in financial law, particularly anti-money laundering laws and MASAK regulations. Anti-money laundering laws, MASAK Statute...
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legal advice

Intellectual Property Law

Intellectual Property Law We have over 20 years of experience in intellectual property law matters. We provide legal services on...
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cyber law

Cyber Law

Cyber Law Atamer Law Firm is specialized in internet crimes and cyber crimes. Turkish Criminal Code has a special section...
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Criminal Law

Criminal Law

Criminal Law Atamer Law Firm provides criminal defense representation in criminal cases  involving particularly drug and drug-related crimes and computer...
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divorce lawyer

Family Law

Family & Divorce Law Atamer Law Firm divorce lawyers are specialized in Turkish divorce law and family law matters. We...
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immigration lawyer

Immigration Law

Immigration Law Atamer Law Firm has vast practice experience in immigration law. Our immigration lawyer team is specialized in working...
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real estate law

Real Estate Law

Real Estate Law Real estate law and property law are the key practice areas of Atamer Law Firm. We are...
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Istanbul Law Firm & Attorneys

Atamer Law Firm is an international law firm based in Istanbul. We have been providing legal support for our clients from various countries since 2005. Our main areas of practice are criminal law, cyber law, divorce law, real estate law, and immigration law. Please visit our practice areas page to learn more about our fields of expertise. We provide comprehensive legal solutions for our clients. If you need legal advice on Turkish Law matters, or looking for English speaking Turkish lawyers, please visit our contact page to contact us, or arrange an appointment.

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